Why is it that one financial emergency can quickly turn into multiple money problems? Unexpected expenses aren't a problem when you have that emergency fund that so many financial gurus recommend, but many people don't have cash set aside because they are barely getting by. Money trouble doesn't care if you have a great career or you work a minimum wage job. Fortunately, title lenders don't discriminate either, which means you can get a title loan regardless of your financial situation.
Want to Learn More About Title Loans Saginaw?
If you have questions about title loans Saginaw, you're not alone. Most people who have never heard of or applied for one aren't quite sure what they are all about. Simply put, auto title loans are approved for applicants willing to put their vehicle up as collateral. Be it a car, truck, motorcycle or other vehicle, it has tremendous value, which is more than enough to secure funding. Because of its high value, vehicles are used instead of a credit check. Whether your credit is good or bad, you have the same opportunity for loan approval.
Here are the qualifications you need to be sure you loan is approved quickly and easily. Applicants must be at least 18, and you need to be employed or have enough income to afford to make loan payments. The vehicle you pledge must be your personal property, and you name should be on the title certificate. That title can't have lienholders. When you get the loan, you'll turn the title over to your lender, but it is returned after you pay back the money.
Applying for Title Loans Saginaw
With our easy online application for title loans Saginaw, you'll only spend a few minutes telling us about yourself and your car. We'll send you a loan quote as soon as we get your application so that you know if the amount is something you want to pursue. Choose to move forward, and we get your loan package processed and finalized as quickly as possible. In less than a day, most people get their loan cash.
Legal Regulations
- Interest rate should not exceed 10 percent.
- State law does not limit loan amounts.
- Lenders must be licensed.
- The original 30 day loan term and up to five allowed renewals gets borrowers up to 180 days to repay the debt.
- Applying is extremely simple and fast. Complete a Saginaw or Fort Worth title loan application in minutes and get a loan estimate immediately after.
- Get cash in less than a day. That's how it is for most applicants because we don't waste time on long, drawn out processing.
- Bad credit does not block loan approvals. Anyone can get title loans Saginaw, even those with the worst of credit and those with bankruptcies.
- Get more cash with auto equity loans than you would with a cash advance or payday loan. You'll also get lower interest rates.
- No need to haul all your valuables down to a pawn shop when you can get one lump sum of cash by using your car as collateral.
- Get more time to pay off the debt by having your loan renewed. That not only gives you more time, it takes the pressure off to pay back the money by the deadline that you very likely won't be able to make.
- Keep your car so you can drive wherever you need to go.
- Money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly make you happier, especially if you've been struggling to make ends meet.
- We offer a discreet operation, which means your information is safe with us.