Secured loans are often the best option for people in search of a loan who have bad credit. You may not even realize you have hidden cash in your assets. Vehicles are an asset, which are often used to secure loans. Texas Approval offers title loans in New Braunfels to consumers looking for quick cash. Since loans are secured with car titles, bad credit isn’t an issue. You can easily be approved if you own a vehicle and hold a title with no liens. Borrowers are free to use their funds for anything they wish, and you may continue to use your vehicle as you always have during the loan period. We have a number of convenient loan center stores in and around San Marcos and New Braunfels, which makes it very easy to apply, sign contracts, make payments and pick up loan funds. We help homeowners, retirees, students and all sorts of folks in need of financial help every day. It takes just a few minutes to complete an online application with basic contact and vehicle information. You can rest assured that you’ll receive a good interest rate, professional services and the help you need now.
Getting the Best Deals for Title Loans New Braunfels
Texas Approvals is committed to finding the best loan options for our customers. We speak with each individual applicant to determine their financial situation. Once we learn a little bit about your finances, we are in a better position to make recommendations to help you find the most appropriate repayment plan for your needs. We’ll guide you through the loan terms for title loans in New Braunfels and search for the best interest rate before closing the loan.
How We Secure Title Loans New Braunfels
One of the first things we do when you submit an application for title loans is to check the current value of your vehicle. We do this by looking up the information provided in your application against the Kelly Blue Book database. This provides us with a basis for determining your loan amount.
During the closing process of the loan, you’ll be required to submit your paper car title, which is held during your repayment period. At this time, we place a temporary lien against your vehicle. Liens are then removed after receiving your last loan payment.
Taking a Look at the Loan Process
• Start your loan process by filling out a San Marcos title loan application.
• Accept your free loan estimate and make financial plans.
• Work with a certified loan specialist to get approved.
• Review your contract written to meet Texas title loan regulations. Sign your contract.
• Hand in your paper car title to meet collateral requirements.
• Collect your loan funds.
Customer Benefits
• Paying Off Loans Early
If you have the good fortune to be able to pay off your vehicle title loan early, we’ll be glad to help. All you need to do is to contact your loan specialist. We’ll figure the balance due on the principal and the interest to provide you with your final payment amount. You won’t be charged any penalties or fees for paying off early.
• Customer Service Centers
We always have several loan center stores open to serve our customers. If you have questions or need help, we encourage you to stop in and speak with a loan specialist.
• Bad Credit Loans
Since vehicles are offered as collateral to secure title loans in New Braunfels, there is no reason to run credit checks. You’ll still receive the same great service and interest rate regardless of credit.
We rely on the equity you’ve built up in your vehicle to secure the loan, so you can still qualify for a loan even if you’re unemployed.
Spending Your Cash
One of the best benefits of a car title loan is that borrowers decide how they’ll spend their funds. Use your money to pay down debt, make repairs around the home, catch up on bills or take a vacation.
Continued Vehicle Use
There are a few title lenders that impound automobiles during the loan period, but Texas Approvals does not. You can still drive your vehicle to school, work or anywhere you want to go.
Get your free title loan application in today to qualify for fast cash.