How a Title Loan Can Help You Cover Urgent Expenses When Cash Is Tight
Do you have a payment that just can’t wait and you’re short on cash for making it? When you have to live paycheck to paycheck, it’s already difficult to have money set aside for fun activities let alone emergency situations. Maybe you’re faced with a car repair bill, need to pay to keep the electricity on, or even have a student loan payment due you need to meet. If going down to your local bank or credit union is not an option for you, there’s still a way you can get your hands on cash that includes paying for college without breaking the bank. That way is a title loan, a loan that just about anyone in the Georgetown or Round Rock area who owns a car can get. If you’ve never taken out a non-traditional loan before, you might be wondering just what is a title loan? A vehicle title loan is a way to use your vehicle as collateral in a secured loan and once it’s value is appraised, you can take out a cash loan to the maximum amount that the lender is willing to give you for it. Usually this is a percentage of the vehicle’s full value.How You Apply For Title Loans Georgetown
The process for getting a title loan is much simpler than most other loans where you need to file mounds of paperwork and meet with a loan officer. With our title loans in Georgetown, you basically just need to know basic information about your vehicle and have identification that proves you’re the owner. The main things to know about your vehicle are its:- Year
- Make
- Model
- Mileage