Title Loans In Roma Can Turn Your Car Into Great Cash
Have you ever started to look through old boxes or on eBay to see what's selling when you need to come up with cash? It usually happens at some point to you such as when your job is going slow and you've been relegated to fewer hours, or if you came into a situation that required you to pay the money you would normally set aside for rent. It's always good to have a backup plan such as money set aside in your savings account, or selling some of your belongings online. But sometimes you don't even have those options and need to find another source of cash. That's what our title loans in Roma, TX can do when your finances are tight.
Your first question might be "what is a title loan?" A title loan is not a bank or credit card loan that you have to go signing a lot of documents to get. Title loans have very little paperwork and rely on the current value of your vehicle. The lender will give you a loan that's a fraction of your vehicle, though you can also usually take out less than the maximum loan amount you're eligible for. But you do not actually have your vehicle itself held as collateral, just simply its title.
How Title Loans Roma, TX Applications Work
The process to get title loan in Edinburg or Roma starts by giving us information about your vehicle. You'll fill in the appropriate fields for the vehicle's make, model, year and mileage and receive an estimated quote for what you could get if your vehicle is in great condition. The contact information you supply to us will be used to pair you up with the nearest lender to you in the Roma area who you will then fill out the appropriate paperwork with, and then take the final steps to securing your title loan.
What Are The Laws About Title Loans Roma, TX?
The laws about getting title loans in Roma are about the same as everywhere else in Texas with maybe a few minor ordinances that are different. The main thing to know is that you will need a photo ID from the government that will usually be your driver's license but could also be a military ID or something similar. You'll also need your vehicle's original title certified in the state of Texas without any liens on it, and these documents will prove the following:
- You are 18 years of age or older
- You permanently live in Texas
- You are the complete owner of your vehicle
The other laws you should know about pertain to your agreement to repay your title loan in full and what you should do if you find yourself unable to do so. You might be able to join a program for relief assistance for title loans in Texas which could involve refinancing your title loan so that your payments are more manageable, or it could allow you to sell your vehicle if it can be sold to payoff your remaining loan balance.
What Else Title Loans Can Do For You
The great thing about title loans is you are not required to state what you intend to use them for, even if you just wanted to borrow the money to go watch your favorite football team play. You also aren't considered on the basis of your credit score whether it's good or bad. We can help you get started applying for title loans and have additional information in our FAQ section.